Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Unattended Windows CD - Powerpacker

My Notes:
It used to be much harder to create an unattended windows cd... The techs at MSFN have been working to make it easier and easier. Here is another great contribution from one of the members.

PowerPacker will help a user create a Multiboot Windows XP disk with or without DriverPacks. It will do almost everything for you, even hex edit the files needed to be hexed, create the boot directory, boot menu, etc. It makes creating multiboot XP disks a breeze.This program was made with the BTS DriverPacks in mind. Basically it does just about everything you need to do to add a windows XP load to your MultiBoot Disk.It will gather the needed files from your source XP CD and put them into a directory you specify. It will grab the DriverPack Files and install them. It will create a boot directory for your load and even hex edit the files that need to be HEXED to allow you to boot to it. It will put the needed info into the boot list so you can select your XP load. It makes testing the DriverPacks very easy!!!

Download Link
Forum Post Link

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